TYGE officials – registrations

Home » TYGE officials – registrations

TYGE officials, please check the list below to confirm that you are registered correctly:

List no.1 – Fully qualified registered officials – https://tygerbergaquatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/tyge-fully-qualified-registered-officials-15-september-2023.pdf

List no.2 – Probation registered officials – https://tygerbergaquatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/tyge-probation-officials-15-september-2023.pdf

  1. If your name is not listed and should be, please complete the TYGE online registration form for officials – https://forms.gle/z3XQkXS7CAWrXKun9
  2. If you are on the probation list and you have completed your probation and should be upgraded to a fully registered official – please forward your completed probation sheet to – ADMIN@tygerbergaquatics.com

Please remember – probation officials may not work at Championship events. The Championship season is fast approaching, probation officials should try to complete their probation as soon as possible in upcoming galas.