The Winelands SL final gala is scheduled for 28 January 2023 – Coetzenburg, outdoor 50m swimming pool.
Please take note of the following important information:
EVENTS: session report 28 jan 2023_amended
Entries due date: 09h00 on Friday 13 January 2023
ENTRY FEES: R45 per event + R100 surcharge per swimmer
FNB cheque account: 50251165103
Branch: Bellville Branch
Branch code: 200310
Ref: Swimmers Name + Winelands SL Final
ENTRIES REPORT – entry report 28 jan 2023_fin
ENTRY FEES REPORT – tyge – winelands sl final – entry fees report – (the surcharge is R100 for out-of-district clubs, swimmers will be charged R100 surcharge, not R50 as per the entry fee report)
SESSION REPORT – session report 28 jan 2023_amended
OFFICIALS – Winelands Officials 28 Jan 2023